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Marc J. Sirois
Marc J. Sirois is a Canadian journalist based in Beirut since 1997.
Omar Sirri
Omar Sirri is a doctoral student in political science at the University of Toronto.
Mac Skelton
Mac Skelton is director of the Institute of Regional and International Studies (IRIS) at the American University of Iraq, Sulaimani and visiting fellow at the London School of Economics Middle East Centre.
Nidal Sliman
Nidal Sliman is a Palestinian lawyer from Israel.
Peter Sluglett
Peter Sluglett is a professor of Middle Eastern history at the University of Utah.
Susan Slyomovics
Susan Slyomovics is professor of anthropology at UCLA and a contributing editor of this magazine.
Benjamin Smith
Benjamin Smith is assistant professor of georgraphy at Florida International University.
Monica Smith
Monica Smith holds an M.A. in geography from the University of Colorado.
Chris Smith
Chris Smith is a freelance journalist based in Ramallah, the West Bank.
Charles D. Smith
Charles D. Smith, professor of Middle East history at the University of Arizona, is the author of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, now in its sixth edition.
Ron Smith
Ron Smith teaches international relations at Bucknell University.
Gayle Smith
Gayle Smith is a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, and formerly Special Assistant to President Bill Clinton and Senior Director for African Affairs at the National Security Council under the Obama administration.
Pamela Ann Smith
Pamela Ann Smith is a freelance journalist and author of Palestine and the Palestinians.
Kristen Smith Diwan
Kristen Smith Diwan is assistant professor of Middle East politics at the School of International Service of American University.
Joan Smith/Kocamahhul
Joan Smith/Kocamahhul is a research assistant for the Strategies of Language Revitalization project in the Department of Linguistics, University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
Naghmeh Sohrabi
Naghmeh Sohrabi is the Charles (Corky) Goodman Professor of Middle East History at Brandeis University
Vivian Solana
Vivian Solana is assistant professor of anthropology at Carleton University, Ottawa.
Tamir Sorek
Tamir Sorek is a Liberal Arts Professor of History at Pennsylvania State University.
Nina Sovich
Nina Sovich holds an M.A. from the Fletcher School of Diplomacy at Tufts University and is a freelance writer.
Jeannie Sowers
Jeannie Sowers is a professor of political science at the University of New Hampshire and a former member of MERIP’s editorial committee.
Emilio Spadola
Emilio Spadola is associate professor of anthropology and Middle Eastern and Islamic studies at Colgate University.
James Spencer
James Spencer is a London-based independent consultant specializing in the political and security issues of the Middle East.