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Philip Shehadi
Philip Shehadi (1958-1991) was a Reuters correspondent based in the Middle East.
Samer Shehata
Samer Shehata is assistant professor of Arab politics at the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown University.
Mahsa Shekarloo
Mahsa Shekarloo is a founding member of the Women's Cultural Center, an NGO based in Iran which aims to expand women's rights and social participation. She also maintains the website Badjens, which addresses contemporary women's and gender issues in Iran.
Annelle Sheline
Annelle Sheline is doctoral candidate in political science at George Washington University.
Toby Shelley
Toby Shelley is the author of Endgame in the Western Sahara: What Future for Africa's Last Colony (Zed Books, London).
Virginia N. Sherry
Virginia Sherry, associate director of Humans Rights Watch/Middle East, is the author of An Alliance Beyond the Law: Enforced Disappearances in Lebanon (Humans Rights Watch, May 1997).
Sarah Shields
Sarah Shields is Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of History at the University of North Carolina.
Ibrahim K. Shikaki
Ibrahim K. Shikaki teaches economics at Trinity College.
Ella Shohat
Ella Shohat teaches cinema and cultural studies at CUNY. SHe is the author of Israeli CinemaL East/West and the Politics of Representation (Texas University Press, 1989).
Ahmad Shokr
Ahmad Shokr is a doctoral candidate in Middle East history at New York University and an editor at Egypt Independent.
Mohamed Sid-Ahmed
Mohamed Sid-Ahmed was a long-serving contributing editor of this magazine, an Egyptian activist and political writer. Sid-Ahmed also wrote four books, only one of which, After the Guns Fall Silent (1976), has been translated into English.
Micah Sifry
Micah Sifry is assistant editor of The Nation magazine.
Christopher Silver
Christopher Silver is the Segal Family Assistant Professor in Jewish History and Culture at McGill University
Shayna Silverstein
Shayna Silverstein received her Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in ethnomusicology.
Paul Silverstein
Paul Silverstein is professor of anthropology at Reed College and chair of MERIP's board of directors.
Charles Simpson
Charles Simpson is a researcher at the Boston Consortium for Arab Region Studies, specializing in resilient cities.
Christian Sinclair
Christian Sinclair is assistant director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Arizona.
Diane Singerman
Diane Singerman is associate professor of government at American University.
Ranjit Singh
Ranjit Singh is assistant professor of political science at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia. He was a member of the NDI/Carter Center observation teams sent to the Palestinian territories in 1996, 2005 and 2006.
Marc J. Sirois
Marc J. Sirois is a Canadian journalist based in Beirut since 1997.
Omar Sirri
Omar Sirri is a doctoral student in political science at the University of Toronto.
Mac Skelton
Mac Skelton is director of the Institute of Regional and International Studies (IRIS) at the American University of Iraq, Sulaimani and visiting fellow at the London School of Economics Middle East Centre.
Nidal Sliman
Nidal Sliman is a Palestinian lawyer from Israel.