When you make a planned gift to MERIP, your generosity has an impact far beyond your lifetime. Your gift ensures that MERIP’s critical publications about the Middle East will continue to impact the conversation for years to come. There are many ways you can make a gift that costs you nothing today — and that helps you make a tax-savvy investment in your future and MERIP’s.

Ways to Give

A gift in your will: Your gift left through your estate will ensure that your legacy strengthens MERIP’s work. Here is some sample language for your will:

I hereby give ___________________* to the Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP), a registered 501(c)(3) organization, to support the objects and purposes of the organization.

Qualified charitable distributions: You can give directly from your IRA, stock portfolio, or through a donor-advised fund (DAF). If you are over 70.5 years of age, you can donate up to $100,000 tax-free annually from your IRA account.

Gifts of stocks and mutual funds: Gifts of publicly traded securities that have appreciated in value allow you to avoid capital gains taxes and receive a tax deduction. MERIP sells the stock without paying taxes on the gain. Access our account and donate stocks at the button below:

Donate Stock To Middle East Research and Information Project

MERIP strongly recommends that you discuss these options with a registered financial advisor. To receive more information about any of these options or to coordinate your planned giving, please contact our executive director James Ryan (jamesryan@merip.org). Thank you for your interest in supporting MERIP’s future.



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