Hanging by a Thread—The Red Sea Blockade and Jordan’s Fragile Garment Industry
Houthi attacks have revealed an industrial paradox.
Power Struggles—Energy as a Weapon of War, Domination and Resistance in Palestine
The role of the grid in Israel’s colonial domination.
Dispatch from South Lebanon—Life as Resistance at the End of the World
A look at land, and life, on Lebanon’s frontlines.
Yemen’s Ansar Allah
On the Houthi movement’s roots, governance and resistance.
Artificial Humanitarianism—The Data-Driven Future of Refugee Responses
AI and big data are changing contemporary humanitarianism for better and worse.
Joe Stork and MERIP
In light of his passing, a guide to MERIP founder, Joe Stork’s contributions to the publication.
A Primer on Lebanon—History, Palestine and Resistance to Israeli Violence
Crucial context amid regional escalation.

Primer: The Struggle for Sudan
One year into the counterrevolutionary war in Sudan, MERIP offers this new primer on the conflict from Khalid Mustafa Medani as part of Issue 310. This primer is meant as an introduction to the basic dynamics of the political landscape in Sudan since the 2019 revolution that overthrew the autocratic Omar al-Bashir, and lays out the challenges facing organizers, aid workers, and activists in the midst of the war.