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Georg Stauth
Georg Stauth teaches sociology at the National University of Singapore.
Jonathan Steele
Jonathan Steele is the chief foreign correspondent for The Guardian (London).
Ulrike Stehli
Ulrike Stehli holds a doctorate in modern Syrian literature from the University of Münster in Germany.
Ewan Stein
Ewan Stein is a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for the Advanced Study of the Arab World, University of Edinburgh.
Jamie Stern-Weiner
Jamie Stern-Weiner is an independent researcher. He co-edits New Left Project.
Matthew R. Stevens
Matthew R. Stevens is completing his masters in geography through York University’s Centre for Refugee Studies.
Thomas Stevenson
Thomas Stevenson teaches anthropology on Ohio University’s regional campus. He is author of Social Change in a Yemeni Highlands Town (Utah, 1981).
Martin Stokes
Martin Stokes is King Edward Professor of Music at King’s College, University of London.
Anya Stone
Anya Stone is a researcher and writer with the International Women's Network in Jerusalem.
Joe Stork
Joe Stork was the editor of Middle East Report until 1995 and deputy director of Human Rights Watch's Middle East and North Africa division from 1995 to 2017. He is currently chair of the advisory board of the Gulf Center for Human Rights.
Sandy Sufian
Sandy Sufian is an assistant professor of medical humanities and history at the University of Illinois- Chicago and the founder of the Global Network of Researchers on HIV/AIDS in the Middle East and North Africa. She is the author of Healing the Land and the Nation: Malaria and the Zionist Project in Mandatory Palestine.
Mayssun Sukarieh
Mayssun Sukarieh is a teacher in Beirut.
Denis Sullivan
Denis Sullivan is professor of political science at Northeastern University and director of the Boston Consortium for Arab Region Studies.
Gary Sussman
Gary Sussman is based at Tel Aviv University.
Jon C. Swanson
Jon C. Swanson lived for six years in Yemen studying rural society and migration, and for eight years in the Arab community of Dearborn, MI.
Will Swearingen
Will Swearingen is assistant professor of geography at Colgate University and author of Moroccan Mirages: Agrarian Dreams and Deceptions, 1912·1986 (Prince· ton University Press, 1987).
Ted Swedenburg
Ted Swedenburg, a contributing editor of this magazine, teaches anthropology at the University of Arkansas.
Catherine Sweet
Catherine Sweet holds a Ph.D. in political science from UCLA.
Azar Tabari
Azar Tabari is author of a dissertation on land reform in Iran.
Mariz Tadros
Mariz Tadros is a fellow at the Institute of Development Studies of the University of Sussex in Great Britain.
Jock Taft
Jock Taft does independent research on Middle East history. He is active in the Committee for Academic Freedom in the Occupied Territories (CAFIOT), based in Berkeley.
Dalia Taha
Dalia Taha is a Palestinian poet and playwright.
R. Shareah Taleghani
R. Shareah Taleghani is assistant professor of Middle East studies and Arabic at Queens College.