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Alistair Millar
Alistair Millar is president of the Fourth Freedom Forum.
Rebecca Milligan
Rebecca Milligan is a researcher for Human Rights Watch.
Maren Milligan
Maren Milligan is a visiting assistant professor on joint appointment at Davidson College/Queens University.
Beverley Milton-Edwards
Beverley Milton-Edwards is a Professor of Politics at Queen's University of Belfast.
Ziba Mir-Hosseini
Ziba Mir-Hosseini is Professorial research associate at the Centre of Islamic & Middle Eastern Law, SOAS, University of London
Timothy Mitchell
Timothy Mitchell, a contributing editor to Middle East Report, teaches politics and Middle Eastern studies at New York University.
Abdulla Moaswes
Abdulla Moaswes is a PhD Candidate at the University of Exeter’s Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies.
Val Moghadam
Val Moghadam teaches sociology at New York University.
Amir Mohamed Aziz
Amir Mohamed Aziz is a doctoral student in the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, Rutgers University-New Brunswick.
Fareed Mohamedi
Fareed Mohamedi is Managing Director at SIA-Energy International
Madona Mokbel
Madona Mokbel is a researcher and lecturer in multicultural and refugee studies, as well as a consultant to NGOs on migration and resettlement issues.
Yasmin Moll
Yasmin Moll is assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Michigan and postdoctoral fellow in the Michigan Society of Fellows.
Maxine Molyneux
Maxine Molyneux teaches sociology at the University of Essex and is on the editorial board of Feminist Review.
Daniel Monterescu
Daniel Monterescu is associate professor of urban anthropology and food studies at the Central European University, Vienna.
Pete Moore
Pete Moore is the Marcus A. Hanna Associate Professor in Politics at Case Western Reserve University.
Kathleen Moore
Kathleen Moore, a political scientist, teaches in the Law and Society Program at the University of California-Santa Barbara.
Heba Morayef
Heba Morayef is an Egyptian human rights defender based in Cairo. She has worked for Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International.
Hana Morgenstern
Chana Morgenstern is university lecturer in postcolonial and Middle East literatures at the University of Cambridge.
Robert Mortimer
Robert Mortimer teaches political science at Haverford College in Pennsylvania.
Norma Claire Moruzzi
Norma Claire Moruzzi is associate professor of political science and gender and women’s studies and director of the international studies program at the University of Illinois-Chicago.
Negar Mottahedeh
Negar Mottahedeh teaches in the Program on Literature at Duke University.