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Michael McGwire
Michael MccGuire was a senior fellow in the Foreign Policy Studies Program at the Brookings Institution.
David McMurray
An editor of this magazine, David McMurray teaches anthropology at Oregon State University.
Khalid Mustafa Medani
Khalid Mustafa Medani, an editor of this magazine, is associate professor of political science at McGill University.
Sohair Mehanna
Sohair Mehanna is a senior researcher in the Social Research Center of the American University in Cairo.
Samia Mehrez
Samia Mehrez teaches Arabic literature at the American University in Cairo.
Roel Meijer
Roel Meijer is an Associate Professor at Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Hisham Melhem
Hisham Melhem is a journalist who has been Washington correspondent for the Lebanese daily al-Safir and other Arabic-language outlets.
Anne Meneley
Anne Meneley is professor of anthropology at Trent University in Canada.
Garay Menicucci
Garay Menicucci is associate director of the Office of International Students and Scholars at the University of California-Santa Barbara.
Ken Menkhaus
Ken Menkhaus is a professor of political science at Davidson College.
Rajan Menon
Rajan Menon is the Chair of the Department of International Relations and at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania. He is the author of Soviet Power and the Third World (Yale University Press, 1986).
John Mepham
John Mepham teaches philosophy in London and is on the coordinating committee of European Nuclear Disarmament (END).
Sofian Merabet
Sofian Merabet is assistant professor of anthopology at the University of Texas-Austin.
Zarir Merat
Zarir Merat is a sociologist working on human rights issues.
Fatima Mernissi
Fatima Mernissi is a sociologist at Morocco’s Institute Universitaire de Recherche Scientifique.
Sonya Meyerson-Knox
Sonya Meyerson-Knox is the Communications Director of Jewish Voice for Peace.
Zia Mian
Zia Mian is a physicist with the Program on Global Peace and Security at Princeton University and an editor of Middle East Report.
Marcus Michaelsen
Marcus Michaelsen is a senior researcher at the Citizen Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy (University of Toronto).
Scott Michaelsen
Scott Michaelsen is associate professor of English at Michigan State University.
Gerard Michaud
Gerard Michaud is a scholar who lived in Syria for many years.
Maya Mikdashi
Maya Mikdashi is assistant professor at Rutgers University.
Farzaneh Milani
Farzaneh Milani is professor of Persian literature and women’s studies at the University of Virginia.
Thomas Jeffrey Miley
Thomas Jeffrey Miley is a lecturer of political sociology in the Department of Sociology at the University of Cambridge.