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Fouad Moughrabi
Fouad Moughrabi teaches political science at the University of Tennessee at Chattanoga. He has designed and conducted polls with Gallup and the Survey and Research Center at the University of Michigan.
Tamir Moustafa
Tamir Moustafa is assistant professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Hisham Mubarak
Hisham Mubarak is director of the Center for Human Rights Legal Aid in Cairo.
Ali Mudara
Ali Mudara is an Iranian social scientist working in the West.
Mahmud Muna
Mahmoud Muna known to many as The Bookseller of Jerusalem; when he is not reading and selling books, he writes on culture, languages, and identity.
Samuel Munayer
Samuel Munayer is currently pursuing a master’s degree at the University of Exeter's Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies.
Jacob Mundy
Jacob Mundy is an associate professor at Colgate University and was a Fulbright Scholar with the Université de Tunis in 2018–2019. He is the author of Imaginative Geographies of Algerian Violence (Stanford University Press, 2015) and Libya (Polity Press, 2018).
Daud Munir
Daud Munir is a doctoral candidate in politics at Princeton University.
Emma Murphy
Emma Murphy is a scholar affiliated with the Center for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in Durham, England.
Tahani Mustafa
Tahani Mustafa is an assistant professor at Mutah University, Jordan.
Musindo Mwinyipembe
Musindo Mwinyipembe is a nationally syndicated radio commentator on African affairs for “In the Public Interest,” and coproducer of the film Blacks Britannica.
Cynthia Myntti
Cynthia Myntti is a professor at the American University of Beirut.
Issam Naaman
Issam Naaman is a lawyer and political writer in Lebanon. He was a member of Lebanon's political and administrative reform committees in 1985-86, and served in parliament from 1992-96 as secretary of the parliamentary committee for legislation and administration.
Haneen Naamneh
Haneen Naamneh is senior editor and director of the independent Iraqi media platform, Jummar.
Hamid Naficy
Hamid Naficy is a professor of communications at Northwestern University. He has produced many films and is an expert on television and film in the Middle East.
Richa Nagar
Richa Nagar teaches women's studies and geography at the University of Minnesota.
Mona Naim
Mona Naim is a journalist for Le Monde.
Robert Naiman
Robert Naiman is National Coordinator of Just Foreign Policy.
Mohamad Najem
Executive director of the Beirut-based digital rights organization, SMEX.
Chafic Tony Najem
Chafic Tony Najem is a post-doctoral fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study in the Global South at Northwestern University in Qatar. His research explores illicit communication and media practices in carceral spaces.
Afsaneh Najmabadi
Afsaneh Najmabadi is professor of history at Harvard University.