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Josh Ruebner
Josh Ruebner is national advocacy director of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation.
Suzanne Ruggi
Suzanne Ruggi is a staff reporter for The Jerusalem Times.
Hiram Ruiz
Hiram Ruiz is the Director of Refugee Services for the Florida Department of Children and Families.
Tom Russell
Tom Russell is an intern with the MERIP office in Washington, seconded by the United Methodist Church.
Sheila Ryan
Sheila Ryan was a contributing editor of Middle East Report from 1982-1994 and director of the Middle East Peace Network in New York.
James Ryan
James Ryan is Associate Director of the Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies at New York University.
Curtis Ryan
Curtis Ryan is a professor of political science at Appalachian State University in North Carolina.
W. S. is a special MERIP correspondent.
K. S.
K.S. is a scholar and writer living in Beirut.
Sardar Saadi
Sardar Saadi is a PhD candidate in anthropology at the University of Toronto and the host and producer of the Kurdish Edition Podcast.
Georges Sabagh
Georges Sabagh is director of the von Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Studies at the University of California in Los Angeles.
Areej Sabbagh-Khoury
Areej Sabbagh-Khoury is assistant professor of sociology and anthropology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Bernard Sabella
Bernard Sabella is chair of the social sciences department of Bethlehem University.
Adam Sabra
Adam Sabra is associate professor of Middle East history at the University of Georgia.
Amal Sabri
Amal Sabri is director of the environment and development program of the Association for Health and Environmental Development, an Egyptian NGO.
Fatemeh Sadeghi
Fatemeh Sadeghi is an independent researcher specializing in political science and gender studies in Tehran.
Ramin Sadighi
Ramin Sadighi is director of Hermes Records, an independent label with over 50 titles.
Yahya Sadowski
Yahya Sadowski is an Arizona-based consultant for PFC Energy.
Modjtaba Sadria
Modjtaba Sadria teaches in the Faculty of Policy Studies at Chuo University, Tokyo.
Hicham Safieddine
Hicham Safieddine is an assistant professor in the History of the Modern Middle East at King's College, University of London and the author of Banking on the State: The Financial Foundations of Lebanon (Stanford University Press, 2019).
Morad Saghafi
Morad Saghafi is editor of Goft-o-Gu, a journal of research and opinion published in Tehran.
Atef Said
Atef Said is an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Naomi Sakr
Naomi Sakr is the author of Walls of Silence: Media and Censorship in Syria, published in 1998 by ARTICLE 19.