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Paola Rivetti
Paola Rivetti is a lecturer of politics of the Middle East at Dublin City University.
Rami Rmeileh
Rami Rmeileh is a doctoral student at the University of Exeter’s Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies.
Hugh Roberts
Hugh Roberts is an independent writer, lecturer and consultant based in Cairo.
Philip Robins
Philip Robins heads the Middle East program at the Royal Institute for International Affairs in London.
Shira Robinson
Shira Robinson, an editor of this magazine, is associate professor of Middle East history at George Washington University.
Maxime Rodinson
Maxime Rodinson was the author of Mohammed (Pantheon, 1971), Islam and Capitalism (Pantheon, 1973) and many other books.
Eugene Rogan
Eugene Rogan is a fellow at St. Anthony’s College and lectures in the modern history of the Middle East Oxford University.
Amanda Rogers
Amanda Rogers is Andrew Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Institute for Research in the Humanities of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Carl Rommel
Carl Rommel is a Researcher in the Department of Anthropology and Ethnology at Uppsala University.
Charlotte Rose
Charlotte Rose is an organizer and researcher with Disrupt Power, WeSmellGas and the Global Energy Embargo for Palestine. Her research focuses primarily on the fossil gas industry and the Eastern Mediterranean's infrastructural politics.
Ben Rose
Ben Rose is a Cairo-based writer.
Miriam Rosen
Miriam Rosen was an editor of this magazine in the 1990s and is a Paris-based journalist who covers art and culture.
Elizabeth Rosenberg
Elizabeth Rosenberg is an M.A. candidate in the Program in Near Eastern Studies at New York University.
Celia Rothenberg
Celia Rothenberg is a Rockefeller Fellow at the Center for the Study of Religion at the University of Toronto, where she is conducting research on Palestinian immigrants in Canada.
Steve Rothman
Steve Rothman is an MA candidate in Arab studies at Georgetown University.
Eric Rouleau
Eric Rouleau was the long-time chief foreign correspondent of Le Monde.
Shahnaz Rouse
Shahnaz Rouse teaches sociology at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, New York.
Alwyn Rouyer
Alwyn Rouyer teaches at the Middle East Center of the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington.
Colin Rowat
Colin Rowat is professor of economics at the University of Birmingham, UK.
Sara Roy
Sara Roy is research associate at the Center for Middle East Studies at Harvard University.
Olivier Roy
Olivier Roy is a researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris and author of Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan.
Kali Rubaii
Kali Rubaii is an assistant professor of anthropology at Purdue University.
Cheryl Rubenberg
Cheryl Rubenberg, formerly associate professor of political science at Florida International University, is a writer specializing in the Middle East.