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1497 Users
  • Haya al-Mughni

  • Haya al-Mughni is a sociologist currently working at the Public Authority for Assessment of Compensation in Kuwait.

  • Mohammed al-Qadhi

  • Mohammed al-Qadhi is a Yemeni journalist. He currently works as a Senior political advisor for the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue in Geneva.

  • Mohammed al-Sudairi

  • Mohammed al-Sudairi is pursuing a double masters degree offered by Peking University and the London School of Economics. He is also a research affiliate at the Gulf Research Center and Silk Road Associates.

  • Nabil Al-Tikriti

  • Nabil Al-Tikriti is professor of Middle East history at the University of Mary Washington and and vice-chair of MERIP’s editorial committee. He was a member of the MSF/Doctors Without Borders USA Board of Directors from 2011 to 2017, culminating as vice president in 2016-17. He has also served as a consultant, election monitor and relief worker at several field locations in Europe, Asia and Africa. His research focuses on early modern Ottoman history, modern Iraq and Turkey, and humanitarian affairs.

  • Joseph Alagha

  • Joseph Alagha is assistant professor of Lebanese studies at the Lebanese American University.

  • Nida Alahmad

  • Nida Alahmad is a lecturer at the University of Edinburgh's Politics and International Relations.

  • Maisam Alahmed

  • Maisam Alahmed is a B.A. student in international affairs at Northeastern University.

  • Sultan Alamer

  • Sultan Alamer is a doctoral student in political science at George Washington University.

  • Hamza Alavi

  • Hamza Alavi, a Pakistani, is a retired academic who taught sociology at the University of Manchester, England.

  • Ammiel Alcalay

  • Ammiel Alcalay teaches classical and Oriental literatures at Queens College in New York.

  • Ayça Alemdaroğlu

  • Ayça Alemdaroğlu is research scholar and associate director of the Program on Turkey at the Center for Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law at Stanford University.

  • Anthony Alessandrini

  • Anthony Alessandrini is a M.A. candidate in the Program in Near Eastern Studies at New York University.

  • Justin Alexander

  • Justin Alexander is United Kingdom organizer for Jubilee Iraq.

  • Livia Alexander

  • Livia Alexander is a PhD candidate in Middle Eastern studies at New York University.

  • Katty Alhayek

  • Katty Alhayek is a scholar-activist from Syria pursuing a doctorate in communication at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.

  • Zahra Ali

  • Zahra Ali teaches sociology at Rutgers University.

  • Kamran Asdar Ali

  • Kamran Asdar Ali teaches anthropology at the University of Texas-Austin.

  • Raduan Abdallah M. Ali

  • Raduan Abdallah M. Ali is an academic, political analyst and peacebuilding activist currently based in Juba, South Sudan.

  • Nada Ali

  • Nada Mustafa Ali teaches in the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department at the University of Massachusetts Boston.


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