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Moulay Ahmed el Amrani
Moulay Ahmed el Amrani, originally from Tinghir province, Morocco, works as an educator and is deeply involved in civic engagement, human development projects and human rights activism.
Ali Abdullatif Ahmida
Ali Abdullatif Ahmida is founding chair and professor of political science at the University of New England.
Hisham Aïdi
Hisham Aïdi is Senior Lecturer at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs, and a scholar-in-residence at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, working on a project titled “W.E.B. Du Bois and the Afro-Arab World.”
Max Ajl
Max Ajl is an associated researcher with the Tunisian NGO Observatory for Food Sovereignty and the Environment and writes on Arab agrarian issues and dependency theory. His book, A People’s Green New Deal, is forthcoming from Pluto Press.
Atef Al Jaffal
Atef Al-Jaffal, is an Iraqi visual artist based in Baghdad. He is the graphic designer of the Iraqi independent media platform, Jummar.
Laila Al-Aajeeb
Laila Al-Aajeeb is an editor at the independent Iraqi media platform, Jummar.
Nadje Al-Ali
Nadje Al-Ali is senior lecturer in social anthropology at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter.
Zaid Al-Ali
Zaid Al-Ali is a lawyer at the New York Bar, specializing in comparative constitutional law and international commercial arbitration. He also works with Jubilee Iraq, an organization advocating debt relief for Iraq.
Abdullah Al-Arian
Abdullah Al-Arian is associate professor of history at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in Qatar.
Sadiq al-Azm
Sadiq al-Azm teaches philosophy at the University of Damascus.
Nidal Al-Azza
Nidal Al-Azza is a human rights lawyer and the director of the non-profit Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights, located in Bethlehem, the West Bank. He was born and raised in Aida Refugee Camp, where he currently resides.
Mohammed Al-Ghanim
Mohammed Al-Ghanim is an M.A. candidate in political science at Georgetown University. He is a citizen of Kuwait.
Dahoud al-Ghoul
Dahoud al-Ghoul is a Palestinian organizer, researcher and tour guide from Jerusalem (al-Quds) and a former political prisoner.
Zeina al-Hajj
Zeina al-Hajj works as Lebanon campaigner for Greenpeace-Mediterranean.
Sara Al-Hassan
Sara Al-Hassan is an Urban researcher from Sudan and is currently a postgraduate student at the London School of Economics.
Omar Al-Jaffal
Omar al-Jaffal is an Iraqi writer and poet. He is an editor of Bayt and Nathr, two intellectual magazines that are published in Iraq. He is the chief editor of Al-Aalam al-Jadid, an electronic newspaper, and also the editor-in-chief of the independent Iraqi media platform, Jummar.
Isam al-Khafaji
Isam al-Khafaji is an Iraqi social scientist and a contributing editor of Middle East Report.
Samir al-Khalil
Samir al-Khalil is the author of the Republic of Fear: Saddam's Iraq (Pantheon) and The Monument: Art, Vulgarity and Responsibility in Iraq (University of California Press).
Ahmad al-Khatib
Ahmad al-Khatib is a Kuwaiti activist and served as a member of Kuwait's parliament until it was dissolved in 1986.
Muhammad al-Mahdi al-Majdhoub
Muhammad al-Mahdi al-Majdhoub (1921-1982)
Zainab Al-Mashat
Zainab Al-Mashat is an editor at the independent Iraqi media platform, Jummar.
Hayder al-Mohammad
Hayder al-Mohammad is assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.