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Roger Owen
Roger Owen, a contributing editor of this magazine, is director of the Center for Middle East Studies at Harvard University.
Aydin Özipek
Aydin Özipek is a doctoral candidate in anthropology at Northwestern University.
Nazlı Özkan
Nazlı Özkan is a doctoral candidate in anthropology at Northwestern University.
Ömür Tımurcanday Özmen
Ömür Tımurcanday Özmen is a professor at September Nine University.
Jason Pack
Jason Pack is a doctoral candidate in history at Cambridge University.
Agnieszska Paczynska
Agnieszka Paczynska is associate professor of conflict resolution at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution of George Mason University.
Sonali Pahwa
Sonali Pahwa is a member of the Liberal Arts Faculty at Northwestern University-Qatar.
Christopher Paine
Christopher Paine, a former MERIP editor, works at the Federation of American Scientists.
Murat Paker
Murat Paker, physician and clinical psychologist, has written on human rights and the psychology of torture survivors in Turkey.
Elfi Pallis
Elfi Pallis is editor of Israel Mirror, which provides translations from the Hebrew press.
Ilan Pappe
Ilan Pappe is professor of Middle East history at the University of Exeter.
Christian Parenti
Christian Parenti is a professor at the School for International Training in Brattleboro, Vt. He reported extensively from Afghanistan and Iraq for The Nation. His latest book is Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence (Nation Books, 2011).
Shreya Parikh
Shreya Parikh is a dual PhD candidate in sociology at CERI-Sciences Po Paris and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Christopher Parker
Christopher Parker is assistant professor of political and social science at Ghent University in Belgium.
Sarah Parkinson
Sarah E. Parkinson teaches political science and Middle East studies at Johns Hopkins University.
Robert P. Parks
Robert P. Parks is a political scientist, founding director of the Centre d’Études Maghrébines en Algérie and founding fellow of the Sidi Bou Said School of Critical Protest Studies.
Misagh Parsa
Misagh Parsa is an associate professor of sociology at Dartmouth College.
Trita Parsi
Trita Parsi is the author of Treacherous Triangle: The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran and the United States.
Hannah Parsons-Morgan
Hannah Parsons-Morgan is a PhD candidate in archaeology at the University of Exeter.
John Patterson
John Patterson is coordinator of the Conflict Resolution Program at the New York Metropolitan Regional Office of the American Friends Service Committee.
Marcie J Patton
Marcie J. Patton is professor emeritus of politics at Fairfield University.
James Paul
James Paul was publisher of Middle East Report from 1980-1988. He recently retired from his long-time post as director of the Global Policy Forum, a New York-based UN watchdog.
Wendy Pearlman
Wendy Pearlman is professor of political science and the Charles Deering McCormick Professor of Teaching Excellence at Northwestern University, where she specializes in the comparative politics of the Middle East.