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Joanne Randa Nucho
Joanne Randa Nucho is a doctoral candidate in anthropology at the University of California-Irvine.
Isis Nusair
Isis Nusair is associate professor of women’s studies and international studies at Denison University and an editor of Middle East Report.
Jay O'Brien
Jay O’Brien taught at the Universities of Khartoum and Gezira and did research on agricultural development in Sudan from 1974 to 1979.
Jeanette O'Malley
Jeannette O'Malley is a Turkey-based freelance journalist who covers Afghanistan.
Hilton Obenzinger
Hilton Obenzinger is the author of Cannibal Eliot, or The Lost Histories of San Francisco. He is currently the Associate Director for Honors and Advanced Writing, the Hume Writing Center at Stanford University.
Lee OBrien
Lee O’Brien works in the Department of Political Affairs at the United Nations and was a contributing editor of Middle East Report.
Ronald Ofteringer
Ronald Ofteringer works for Medico International in Iraqi Kurdistan as coordinator for Middle East programs.
Peter Ogram
Peter Ogram was an intern for Middle East Research and Information Project.
Zeynep Oguz
Zeynep Oguz is a postdoctoral fellow in Environmental Humanities at the Kaplan Humanities Institute and the Department of Anthropology at Northwestern University.
Anna Ohannessian-Charpin
Anna Ohannessian-Charpin is a social anthropologist who specializes in the Bedouin people of the Middle East.
Lysandra Ohrstrom
Lysandra Ohrstrom is a Beirut-based journalist.
Nnedi Okorafor
Nnedi Okorafor is an award-winning writer of science fiction and fantasy for adults and youth.
Gwenn Okruhlik
Gwenn Okruhlik is an independent scholar of development and opposition in Saudi Arabia.
Kerem Öktem
Kerem Öktem is a fellow at the European Studies Centre of St. Antony’s College at the University of Oxford.
Jennifer Olmsted
Jennifer Olmsted is associate professor of economics at Drew University in Madison, NJ.
Zuzanna Olszewska
Zuzanna Olszewska is associate professor of anthropology at the University of Oxford.
Rakiya Omaar
Rakiya Omaar is a co-director of Africa Rights in London.
Carah Ong
Carah Ong is a policy analyst at the Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation in Washington, DC.
Mona Oraby
Mona Oraby is a doctoral candidate in political science at Northwestern University.
Asher Orkaby
Asher Orkaby is an associate research scholar at Princeton University’s Transregional Institute and a residential fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center.
Wazhmah Osman
Wazhmah Osman is assistant professor of Media and Communication Studies at Temple University and author of Television and the Afghan Culture Wars: Brought to You by Foreigners, Warlords, and Activists (University of Illinois Press, 2020).
Susan Ossman
Susan Ossman is affiliated with the Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain in Rabat and the author of Picturing Casablanca (University of California Press, 1994).
Madeline Otis Campbell
Madeline Otis Campbell is assistant professor of urban studies and director of the Center for the Study of Human Rights at Worcester State University in Massachusetts.
M’hamed Oualdi
M’hamed Oualdi is professor of the history of modern North Africa at Sciences Po-Paris.