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Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens has been a columnist for several new sources including The Nation and World Affairs.
Engseng Ho
Engseng Ho is professor of cultural anthropology and history at Duke University.
Gil Hochberg
Gil Hochberg is Ransford Professor of Hebrew and Comparative Literature, and Middle East Studies at Columbia University.
Sophia Hoffmann
Sophia Hoffmann is a consultant based in Berlin, and has worked on migration in the Levant for nearly ten years as a journalist, researcher, adviser, lecturer and activist. She holds a doctorate from the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London.
Amy Austin Holmes
Amy Austin Holmes is a fellow at the Wilson Center and former associate professor at the American University in Cairo and visiting scholar at Harvard University.
Homa Hoodfar
Homa Hoodfar teaches anthropology at Concordia University in Montreal.
Pervez Hoodhboy
Pervez Hoodhboy teaches physics in Lahore and Islamabad.
Eric Hooglund
Eric Hooglund is a professor at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, and editor of the Middle East Critique.
Nicholas Hopkins
Nicholas Hopkins is a professor of anthropology at the American University in Cairo.
Benjamin D Hopkins
Benjamin D. Hopkins is a professor of history and international affairs at the George Washington University. He specializes in South Asian history, particularly that of Afghanistan.
B. D. Hopkins
B. D. Hopkins is assistant professor of history and international affairs at the George Washington University.
Adam Horowitz
Adam Horowitz is an M.A. candidate in the Program in Near Eastern Studies at New York University.
Mehdi Hoseini
Mehdi Hoseini is a prospective student of sociology at Boston College.
Najib Hourani
Najib Hourani is an associate professor of anthropology and Global Urban Studies at Michigan State University and a member of MERIP’s editorial committee.
Lama Hourani
Lama Hourani is Gaza branch coordinator of one of the first Palestinian NGOs, the Palestinian Working Women Society for Development, which advocates for women's rights as equal citizens, especially in the areas of election, labor and family law.
Hani Hourani
Hani Hourani is a researcher on Jordanian politics and social history and founder and director-general of the Al-Urdun al-Jadid Research Center in Amman. He is the author of several historical books and numerous articles on current political developments in Jordan.
Bernard Hourcade
Bernard Hourcade is a researcher with the Monde Iranien group at the Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique in France.
Shima Houshyar
Shima Houshyar is a doctoral candidate in anthropology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and an editor for Ajam Media Collective.
Nubar Hovsepian
Nubar Hovsepian teaches political science at Chapman University in Orange, California.
Esther Howard
Esther Howard is a writer on Middle East issues living in England.
Gary Nigel Howe
Gary Nigel Howe teaches international economics in Mexico City.
Amira Howeidy
Amira Howeidy is a Cairo-based journalist.
Stephen Hubbell
Stephen Hubbel, an editor of this magazine, is the former Cairo correspondent for The Nation.
Tami Hultman
Tami Hultman is an editor of Africa News