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Shay Hazkani
Shay Hazkani is an assistant professor of history and Jewish studies at the University of Maryland.
Roger Heacock
Roger Heacock taught history at Birzeit University.
Mary Hegland
Mary Hegland teaches anthropology at Santa Clara University.
Jehan Helou
Jehan Helou is a journalist and researcher on the Middle East.
Christian Henderson
- [Christian Henderson is a lecturer in international relations and modern Middle East studies at Leiden University.]
Joshua D. Hendrick
Joshua D. Hendrick is assistant professor of sociology and global studies at Loyola University of Maryland.
Bertus Hendriks
Bertus Hendriks is a journalist and former senior Middle East editor for Radio Netherlands Worldwide.
Sabina Henneberg
Sabina Henneberg is a senior analyst at Libya-Analysis.
Katherine Hennessey
Katherine Hennessey lives in Sanaa, where she researches the history of Yemeni theater and teaches Italian literature at Sanaa University.
Doug Henwood
Doug Henwood edits Left Business Observer in New York.
Linda Herrera
Linda Herrera writes on education, Islam and social change in Muslim states.
Jake Hess
Jake Hess is a freelance writer based in Washington, DC. He can be reached at jakerhess [at]
Ingy Higazy
Ingy Higazy is a PhD student in politics at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Jamil Hilal
Jamil Hilal is Palestinian writer and sociologist living in the West Bank.
Thomas Hill
Thomas Hill is a postdoctoral research scholar at the Committee for Global Thought at Columbia University.
Joost Hiltermann
Joost Hiltermann is program director for the Middle East and North Africa at the International Crisis Group.
Andy Hilton
Andy Hilton is an independent researcher and editor.
Peter Hinchcliffe
Peter Hinchcliffe is the former British ambassador to Jordan and Kuwait.
Raymond A. Hinnebusch
Raymond A. Hinnebusch teaches politics at the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul, Minnesota. He did research in Egypt in the summer of 1992.
Jochen Hippler
Jochen Hippler, a contributing editor of this magazine, is a Political Scientist at the University of Duisburg-Essen and its Institute for Development and Peace (INEF), specializing in regional conflicts and interventionism.
Dilip Hiro
Dilip Hiro is a long-time journalist.
Norbert Hirschhorn
Norbert Hirschhorn is a medical doctor and vice-president of John Snow, Inc., an international public health consulting firm.
Charles Hirschkind
Charles Hirshkind is a Ph.D. candidate in anthropology at Johns Hopkins University.
Fadi Hirzalla
Fadi Hirzalla is a doctoral candidate in political science at the University of Amsterdam and a member of the editorial board of ZemZem, a Dutch language magazine on the Middle East, North Africa and Islam.