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Shiraz Dossa
Shiraz Dossa teaches political theory, holocaust, Iranian culture and politics, in the Department of Political Science at St. Francis Xavier University in NS Canada.
Sameer Dossani
Sameer Dossani is director of the 50 Years Is Enough Network, a global economic justice NGO based in Washington, DC.
Beshara Doumani
Beshara Doumani is a former editor of Middle East Report
Eleanor Abdella Doumato
Eleanor Abdella Doumato is adjunct research professor at the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University and the author Getting God's Ear: Women, Religion and Healing in Early 20th Century Arabia (New York: Columbia University Press, forthcoming).
Denis Doyon
Denis Doyon was an organizer with Mobilization for Survival in Milwaukee.
Jeff Drumtra
Jeff Drumtra is Senior Advisor on Internal Displacement and Protection in USAID's Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance.
Mark Drury
Mark Drury is a lecturer in anthropology at Princeton University.
Alasdair Drysdale
Alasdair Drysdale teaches in the geography department at the University of New Hampshire.
Jatin Dua
Jatin Dua is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Cultural Anthropology at Duke University.
Mark Duffield
Mark Duffield teaches at the School of Public Policy, University of Birmingham, UK.
Mick Dumper
Mick Dumper is professor of Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter. He is the author of, most recently, The Politics of Sacred Space: The Old City of Jerusalem in the Middle East Conflict.
Bruce Dunne
Bruce Dunne was vice chair of the board of directors of MERIP from 1998-2009.
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Khalid Duran
Khalid Duran is the editor of TransIslam Magazine.
Deniz Duruiz
Deniz Duruiz is a cultural anthropologist and Keyman Modern Turkish Studies Postdoctoral Fellow at Northwestern University.
Mirjam Edel
Mirjam Edel is senior lecturer at the Institute of Political Science at University of Tuebingen.
Brian Edwards
Brian T. Edwards is Crown Professor in Middle East studies and director of the Middle East and North African Studies program at Northwestern University.
John Egan
John Egan is a graduate student at the University of Chicago.
Konrad Ege
Konrad Ege writes for a number of German publications from Washington, DC.
Kaveh Ehsani
Kaveh Ehsani is associate professor of international studies at DePaul University and a contributing editor of Middle East Report.
Issandr El Amrani
Issandr El Amrani, a Cairo-based journalist, operates The Arabist website.
Youssef El Chazli
Youssef El Chazli is a graduate assistant in political sociology at the Institute of Political, Historical, and International Studies (Lausanne University).
Brahim El Guabli
Brahim El Guabli is assistant professor of Arabic Studies and Comparative Literature at Williams College.