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Jocelyn DeJong
Jocelyn DeJong is professor and Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs at the Faculty of Health Sciences, American University of Beirut, Lebanon.
Donatella Della Ratta
Donatella Della Ratta is a Ph.D. fellow at the University of Copenhagen and the Danish Institute in Damascus.
Peter Demant
Peter Demant is a historian at the University of Amsterdam.
Eric Denis
Eric Denis is a researcher at the SEDET Research Center of CNRS-Paris 7 University.
Elizabeth Derderian
Beth Derderian is a doctoral candidate in anthropology at Northwestern University, and holds an MA in museum and Near Eastern studies from New York University.
Jennifer Derr
Jennifer L. Derr is an associate professor of history and the founding director of the Center for the Middle East and North Africa at UC Santa Cruz.
Renaud Detalle
Renaud Detalle is editor of Tensions in Arabia: The Saudi-Yemeni Fault Line (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2000).
Jean-Jacques Dethier
Jean-Jacques is the Manager of the Research Services unit in the Development Economics Vice Presidency, at the World Bank.
Nukte Devrim-Bouvard
Nukte Devrim-Bouvard is a journalist in Turkey who writes for La Croix and L’Expres.
Omar Dewachi
Omar Dewachi is associate professor of anthropology at Rutgers University.
Reva Dhingra
Reva Dhingra is a PhD candidate in government at Harvard University, where she researches forced migration and the political economy of international aid. She worked on the Syria Regional Response team at the International Rescue Committee from 2015–2017. She tweets at @Reva__D.
Yoav Di-Capua
Yoav Di-Capua is Assistant Professor of Middle East History at the University of Texas-Austin.
Abdessamad Dialmy
Abdessamad Dialmy is professor of sociology at Fez University, Morocco and director of Laboratoire Inter-disciplinaire des Etudes sur la Sauté et la Population.
Marlin Dick
Marlin Dick is a freelance journalist and former editor in chief of the Daily Star in Beirut.
Elizabeth Dickinson
Elizabeth Dickinson is a Gulf-based freelance journalist and Middle East correspondent and editor at Monitor Global Outlook.
Robert Dillon
Robert Dillon taught anthropology at City University of New York and lived in Iran from 1970-1971.
June Disney
June Disney is an American writer living in Beirut.
Hadani Ditmars
Hadani Ditmars is a freelance journalist based in Canada.
Roger Diwan
Roger Diwan is the Managing Director at the consulting firm PFC Energy.
Marion Wood Dixon
Marion Wood Dixon is a doctoral student in sociology at Cornell University.
Herbert Docena
Herbert Docena works with Focus on the Global South, a policy research center based in Bangkok. In 2003-2004, he spent two months based at the Occupation Watch Center in Baghdad.
Sandra Beth Doherty
Sandra Beth Doherty graduated in 2008 from Georgetown University’s Center for Contemporary Arab Studies.
Parastou Dokouhaki
Parastou Dokouhaki is a Tehran-based journalist.
Samuel Dolbee
Samuel Dolbee is Assistant Professor of History at Vanderbilt University.