Middle East Report, “Frontlines–Journalism and Activism in an Age of Transnational Repression,” Summer/Fall 2023, No. 307/308, Vol. 52 No. 2-3


Executive Director

Mandy Terc mandyterc@merip.org

Executive Editor

Katie Natanel katienatanel@merip.org

Managing Editor

Marya Hannun maryahannun@merip.org

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Michelle Woodward mwoodward@merip.org

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Michael Kaplan kaplan_m@gwu.edu

Alyssa Bivins bivins@gwu.edu

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Board of Directors

Paul Silverstein (Board Chair) Reed College

Kaveh Ehsani DePaul University

Adam Hanieh University of Exeter

Vickie Langohr College of the Holy Cross

Lee O’Brien Retired

Mary Sexton Consultant

Mandy Terc MERIP Executive Director (ex officio)


Editorial Committee

Lisa Hajjar (Co-chair of the Editorial Committee) University of California, Santa Barbara

Muriam Haleh Davis (Co-chair of the Editorial Committee) University of California, Santa Cruz

Ayça Alemdaroğlu Stanford University

Lori Allen SOAS University of London

Sabiha Allouche University of Exeter

Mona Atia George Washington University

Elif Babül Mount Holyoke College

Jessica Barnes University of South Carolina

Gregory Brew Analyst at Eurasia

Najib Hourani Michigan State University

Mohammad Ali Kadivar Boston College

Reinoud Leenders King’s College London

Shana Marshall George Washington University

Pete Moore Case Western Reserve University

Jacob Mundy Colgate University

Maha Nassar University of Arizona

Curtis Ryan Appalachian State University

Hesham Sallam Stanford University

Kevin L. Schwartz Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Deen Sharp London School of Economics


How to cite this article:

"Issue 307/308 (Summer/Fall 2023) Masthead," Middle East Report 307/308 (Summer/Fall 2023).

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