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1497 Users
  • Yavuz Yaşar

  • Yavuz Yaşar is associate professor of economics at the University of Denver.

  • Ali Yaycıoğlu

  • Ali Yaycıoğlu is associate professor of Ottoman and Middle East history at Stanford University.

  • Oren Yiftachel

  • Oren Yiftachel is professor of geography at Ben Gurion University in Beersheva, Israel, and a contributing editor of Middle East Report.

  • Umut Yıldırım

  • Umut Yıldırım is an assistant professor of anthropology at the Geneva Graduate Institute.

  • Guney Yildiz

  • Guney Yildiz is a visiting fellow at the Centre for Applied Studies (CATS) at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) and a PhD student at Cambridge University.

  • Ergin Yildizoğlu

  • Ergin Yildizoğlu lives in London and edits a monthly newsletter on Turkey.

  • Sean L. Yom

  • Sean L. Yom is associate professor of political science at Temple University.

  • Benaiah Yongo-Bure

  • Benaiah Yongo-Bure is a professor of social studies at Kettering University.

  • William Lafi Youmans

  • William Lafi Youmans is assistant professor of media and public affairs at George Washington University.

  • Marilyn Young

  • Marilyn Young teaches history at New York University.

  • Michael Young

  • Michael Young is Opinion Editor for the Daily Star in Beirut.

  • Bassam Yousif

  • Bassam Yousif is associate professor of economics at Indiana State University.

  • Zeina Zaatari

  • Zeina Zaatari researches sexual rights movements and sexuality in Lebanon and the Middle East and she directs the Arab American Cultural Center at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

  • Lizabeth Zack

  • Lizabeth Zack is a Professor of Sociology at the University of South Carolina Upstate. She teaches and publishes on social movements, the cultural dimensions of protest, and environmental activism in the Middle East.

  • Marie-Joëlle Zahar

  • Marie-Joëlle Zahar is associate professor of political science at the Université de Montréal.

  • Zachariah Zahid

  • Zachariah Zahid is a Strategy Analyst based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He received his B.A. from the University of Exeter’s Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies.

  • Amy Zalman

  • Amy Zalman holds a doctorate in Middle Eastern studies from New York University.

  • Maggy Zanger

  • Maggy Zanger, a former assistant editor of Middle East Report, is professor at the University of Arizona School of Journalism.

  • Dina Zayed

  • Dina Zayed holds a Masters in Environmental Change and Management from the University of Oxford. She is a former Cairo-based Reuters correspondent.

  • Nasim Zehra

  • Nasim Zehra is a graduate student at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

  • Darrow Zeidenstein

  • Darrow Seidenstein is a lecturer in the department of anthropology at the University of Texas in Austin and is working on a book analyzing popular images of the state of Morocco and Syria.


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