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Sarah Washburne
Sarah Washburne is a doctoral student at the University of Exeter.
Keith Watenpaugh
Keith Watenpaugh is associate professor of Middle East history at the University of California-Davis.
Nicole F. Watts
Nicole F. Watts is associate professor of political science at San Francisco State University.
Michael Webb
Michael Webb is Managing Director, Financial Sector Development and Policy of the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority.
Lisa Wedeen
Lisa Wedeen is professor of political science at the University of Chicago.
Sharon K. Weiner
Sharon K. Weiner is associate professor in the School of International Service at American University.
Shelagh Weir
Shelagh Weir, former Middle East curator for the British Museum, is an independent writer and researcher.
Max Weiss
Max Weiss is Elias Boudinot Bicentennial Preceptor and assistant professor of history and Near Eastern studies at Princeton University.
Madeleine Wells
Madeleine Wells is a doctoral candidate in political science at The George Washington University.
Shuang Wen
Shuang Wen is a doctoral candidate in history at Georgetown University.
Martha Wenger
Martha Wenger was assistant editor of Middle East Report from 1982–1993. Following her departure from MERIP, Martha pursued an advanced degree in library science and, from 1998, she served as a librarian at the Washington International School in Washington, DC. She passed away in 2006.
Gilad Wenig
Gilad Wenig is a PhD student in sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Jenny White
Jenny White is professor of anthropology at Boston University.
Gregory White
Gregory White teaches political science at Smith College.
Bruce Whitehouse
Bruce Whitehouse is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Lehigh University.
Andrew Whitley
Andrew Whitley, formerly the executive director of Human Rights Watch/Middle East, was also on the board of MERIP.
Carsten Wieland
Carsten Wieland is an author and political consultant. See his website at
David Wight
David Wight is visiting assistant professor of history at University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Christoph Wilcke
Christoph Wilcke is a Middle East specialist who has conducted fieldwork in Iraq for humanitarian organizations and think tanks.
Don Will
Don Will was resource specialist for Middle East affairs at the United Methodist Office for the UN.
Ian Williams
Ian Williams covers the UN for Middle East International and Foreign Policy in Focus.
Kristian Williams
Kristian Williams is author of Our Enemies in Blue: Police and Power in America and an editor of Life During Wartime: Resisting Counterinsurgency (both from AK Press).
John M. Willis
John M. Willis is associate professor of history at the University of Colorado and a National Humanities Center fellow in 2014-2015.