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Yezid Sayigh
Yezid Sayigh is a senior fellow at the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut
Rosemary Sayigh
Rosemary Sayigh is an anthropologist and oral historion residing in Beirut. She is the author of Too Many Enemies: The Palestinian Experience in Lebanon.
Ward Sayre
Ward Sayre is assistant professor of political science at the University of Southern Mississippi.
Nadya Sbaiti
Nadya Sbaiti is an assistant professor of History at Georgetown University-Qatar.
Nadya Sbaiti
Nadya Sbaiti is an assistant professor of History at Georgetown University-Qatar.
Sara Scalenghe
Sara Scalenghe is assistant professor of Middle East history at Loyola University in Baltimore.
Caterina Scaramelli
Caterina Scaramelli is a research assistant professor of anthropology and earth and environment at Boston University.
John Schaefer
John Schaefer is assistant professor of anthropology at Miami University of Ohio.
Kirsten Scheid
Kirsten Scheid is associate professor of anthropology at the American University of Beirut.
Paul Schemm
Paul Schemm is a journalist based in Cairo.
Irvin Cemil Schick
Irvin Cemil Schick is a systems engineer doing research in estimation and control theory.
Samuli Schielke
Samuli Schielke is research fellow at Zentrum Moderner Orient in Berlin.
Charles Schmitz
Charles Schmitz is associate professor of geography at Towson University in Baltimore.
Zvi Schuldiner
Zvi Schuldiner teaches political science at Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Kevin L. Schwartz
Kevin L. Schwartz is a research fellow at the Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic.
Jillian Schwedler
Jillian Schwedler is professor of politics at Hunter College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Jillian has been a member of MERIP’s editorial committee and board of directors.
David Seddon
David Seddon teaches at the University of East Anglia and was a contributing editor of this magazine.
Paul Sedra
Paul Sedra is associate professor of history at Simon Fraser University and Middle East editor of History Compass.
Nicholas Seeley
Nicholas Seeley is a freelance writer based in Amman.
Lynne Segal
Lynne Segal is anniversary professor of psychology and gender studies at Birkbeck College, London.
Sherene Seikaly
Sherene Seikaly is assistant professor of history and Middle East studies at the American University in Cairo and co-editor of the Arab Studies Journal.
Charmaine Seitz
Charmaine Seitz is a writer based in Ramallah in the West Bank.
Jan Selby
Jan Selby is professor of politics and international relations at the University of Sheffield.