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Fred H. Lawson
Fred H. Lawson, a contributing editor of this magazine and James Irvine professor of government at Mills College is author of Why Syria Goes to War (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1996).
Azzedine Layachi
Azzedine Layachi is professor of government and politics at St. John's University in New York.
Mary Layoun
Mary Layoun is Professor Emerita of Comparative Literature at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Amélie Le Renard
Amélie Le Renard is Permanent Researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research, Centre Maurice Halbwachs, Paris.
Andrew Leber
Andrew Leber is a doctoral candidate in government at Harvard University.
Sean Lee
Sean Lee is an assistant professor in political science at the American University in Cairo.
Niels Lee
Niels Lee studied Ottoman history and religion at Yale University, where Lee received an MA in religion.
Reinoud Leenders
Reinoud Leenders is a reader in international relations and Middle East studies in the War Studies Department at King’s College London.
Ann Lesch
Ann Lesch visited Kuwait from May 25 to June 3, 1991 with Kenneth Roth, deputy director of Human Rights Watch.
Mark Levine
Mark Levine is professor of history at the University of California, Irvine.
I. M. Lewis
I. M. Lewis is professor of anthropology at the London School of Economics. He is the author of A Modern History of Somalia (1980).
Darryl Li
Darryl Li is assistant professor of anthropology and associate member of the law school at the University of Chicago and author of The Universal Enemy: Jihad, Empire, and the Challenge of Solidarity. He was an editor of Middle East Report from 2011 to 2016.
Kathryn Libal
Kathryn Libal is assistant professor of family studies and social work at the University of Connecticut.
Gerhard Lichtenthaeler
Gerhard Lichtenthaeler holds a doctorate in water geography from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. He works in Yemen for GTZ, the German Technical Cooperation.
Ursula Lindsey
Ursula Lindsey is a Cairo-based reporter and writer. She contributes regularly to The Arabist website.
Cynthia Lloyd
Cynthia Lloyd works in the research division of the Population Council in New York.
Jim Lobe
Jim Lobe is Washington correspondent for the Inter Press Service
Zachary Lockman
Zachary Lockman is professor of modern Middle East history at New York University and a contributing editor of this magazine.
Jennifer Loewenstein
Jennifer Loewenstein is the Associate Director of the Middle East Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Joseph Logan
Joseph Logan is an Istanbul-based reporter and television producer. He has covered Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and the Gulf for Reuters.
Scott Long
Scott Long is a researcher for Human Rights Watch, and has been an advocate for sexual rights on several continents for over a dozen years.
Elisabeth Longuenesse
Elisabeth Longuenesse is a researcher at the Institut Français du Proche-Orient in Beirut.
Anh Nga Longva
Anh Nga Longva teaches at the University of Bergen in Norway.