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Tarek Kahlaoui
Tarek Kahlaoui is former director of the Tunisian Institute for Strategic Studies and is currently associate professor of international relations at the Mediterranean School of Business, South Mediterranean University in Tunis.
Sirwan Kajjo
Sirwan Kajjo is a Syrian Kurdish journalist based in Washington, DC.
Elif Kalaycıoğlu
Elif Kalaycıoğlu is assistant professor of political science at the University of Alabama and researches the international politics of world heritage sites.]
Zep Kalb
Zep Kalb is a doctoral student in sociology at UCLA.
Timothy Kaldas
Timothy Kaldas is a non-resident fellow at the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy in Cairo.
Mary Kaldor
Mary Kaldor is a British academic, currently Professor of Global Governance at the London School of Economics, where she is also the Director of the Civil Society and Human Security Research Unit.
Katy Kalemkerian
Katy Kalemkerian is a doctoral candidate at McGill University.
Amy Aisen Kallander
Amy Aisen Kallander is a historian of modern Tunisia and an assistant professor of Middle East history at Syracuse University.
Anjali Kamat
Anjali Kamat is a correspondent for Al Jazeera’s Fault Lines and an editor of Middle East Report.
Matan Kaminer
Matan Kaminer is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Haifa.
Louis Kampf
Louis Kampf is professor of English at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Rhoda Kanaaneh
Rhoda Kanaaneh is a PhD candidate in social anthropology at Columbia University.
Hatim Kanaaneh
Hatim Kanaaneh is a founding member of the Galilee Society for Health Research and Services, a Palestinian NGO concerned with health issues affecting the Arab community in Israel.
Noman Kanafani
Noman Kanafani is an associate professor of economics at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University of Copenhagen.
Numan Kanafani
Nu‘man Kanafani is research director at the Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute in Ramallah and professor at the Department of Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen.
Deniz Kandiyoti
Deniz Kandiyoti is a senior lecturer in the department of development studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies.
Ahmed Kanna
Ahmed Kanna is a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Iowa.
Arun Kapil
Arun Kapil is a professor at the Paris Center for Critical Studies (CIEE) and an adjunct professor at the American University of Paris.
Amy Kaplan
Amy Kaplan is the Edward W. Kane Professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania.
Michael Kaplan
Michael Kaplan is a PhD candidate in sociocultural anthropology at The George Washington University.
Mohamed Karam
Mohamed Karam is a lawyer and human rights activist in Morocco. A member of the central commitee of the Socialist Union of Popular Forces (USFP), an opposition party, he was a candidate in several recent national legislative elections.
Ömer Karasapan
Ömer Karasapan was a member of MERIP’s editorial committee.
Persis M. Karim
Persis M. Karim is a doctoral candidate in comparative literature at the University of Texas at Austin.