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Jonathan Friedlander
Jonathan Friedlander directs the outreach program for the UCLA Near East Center and is the writer and producer of a television documentary, Arabs in America.
Christiane Fröhlich
Christiane Fröhlich is a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at Hamburg University.
Judith Gabriel
Judith Gabriel is a journalist and author covering the Middle East.
Roger Gaess
Roger Gaess is a writer and photographer.
Nancy Gallagher
Nancy Gallagher is chair of the Islamic and Near Eastern Studies Program at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Max Gallien
Max Gallien is a political scientist at the Institute of Development Studies and University of Sussex.
Steven Galster
Steven Galster is an analyst at the National Security Archive in Washington, DC.
Lucy Garbett
Lucy Garbett is a PhD student in geography at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. She previously worked with non-governmental organizations and research centers in Palestine.
Mark Garfield
Mark Garfield is the Beirut correspondent of the Guardian (New York) and the Pacifica radio network.
Richard Garfield
Richard Garfield is Henrik Bendixen Professor of International Nursing at Columbia University.
Mark J. Gasiorowski
Mark J. Gasiorowski is professor of political science at Louisiana State University.
Ingrid Gassner-Jaradat
Ingrid Gassner-Jaradat is coordinator of the Project for the Palestinian Residency & Refugee Rights at the Alternative Information Center.
Carolyn L. Gates
Carolyn L. Gates is a writer and researcher specializing in modern Lebanese history.
Claudia Gazzini
Claudia Gazzini is a visiting fellow in the Program of African Studies at Northwestern University.
Lauren Geiser
Lauren Geiser was an intern at MERIP in the summer of 2010.
Elif Genc
Elif Genc is a PhD student in politics at the New School for Social Research and an adjunct professor of politics at St. John’s University and Marymount College in New York. She is also an activist in the Kurdish women’s freedom movement in Canada and the United States.
irene gendzier
Irene Gendzier teaches political science at Boston University.
Justin Gengler
Justin Gengler is senior researcher at the Social and Economic Survey Research Institute of Qatar University.
Deborah J. Gerner
Deborah J. Gerner (1956-2006) taught political science at the University of Kansas and was an editor of this magazine.
Gennaro Gervasio
Gennaro Gervasio is lecturer in Middle East politics at the British University in Egypt.
Sonia Ghaffari
Sonia Ghaffari is a Tehran-based social researcher who holds an M.A. in women's studies.
Farha Ghannam
Farha Ghannam is a PhD candidate in anthropology at the University of Texas at Austin.
Pascale Ghazaleh
Pascale Ghazaleh is a doctoral candidate at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, and a freelance journalist working in Cairo.