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Sharif Elmusa
Sharif Elmusa is associate professor of political science at the American University in Cairo, currently visiting at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service-Qatar.
Rabab Elnaiem
Rabab Elnaiem is a Sudanese activist and labor organizer currently based in the United States.
Yasser Elsheshtawy
Yasser Elsheshtawy is currently a Visiting Scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, DC and an Adjunct Professor at Columbia GSAPP where he teaches a course on housing in the Arab world.
Hilal Elver
Hilal Elver is a visiting professor of global and international studies at the University of California – Santa Barbara and an editor of the Middle East Report.
Margaret Emery
Margaret Emery is a former policy analyst for the US Committee for Refugees.
Brent Eng
Brent Eng, based in Amman, is a reporter and translator for Syria Direct, a non-profit news agency.
John P. Entelis
John P. Entelis is professor of political science at Fordham University and editor of the Journal of North African Studies.
Noura Erakat
Noura Erakat is a human rights attorney and assistant professor at George Mason University. She is the author of Justice for Some: Law in the Question of Palestine (Stanford University Press, 2019).
Tytti Erästö
Tytti Erästö is a fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School in 2012-2014 and a lecturer at the University of Tampere in Finland.
Alev Ergenç Katrınlı
Alev Ergenç Katrınlı is a professor at September Nine University.
Samia Errazzouki
Samia Errazzouki is a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities at Stanford University and former Morocco-based journalist.
Osama Esber
Osama Esber, born in Jableh, Syria in 1963, is a widely published author of poetry and short stories, as well as a major translator of English writings into Arabic.
Marisa Escribano
Marisa Escribano is an anthropologist and photographer from Barcelona who lives in New York and has done research in Morocco.
Alireza Eshraghi
Alireza Eshraghi is Director of Programs at the Institute for War and Peace Reporting and a Visiting Scholar at the Center for Middle East and Islamic Studies at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Wael Eskandar
Wael Eskandar is an independent journalist and blogger based in Cairo.
Samera Esmeir
Samera Esmeir is a former lawyer who now teaches in the Department of Rhetoric at the University of California-Berkeley.
Sally Ethelston
Sally Ethelston was vice-president for communications at Population Action International.
Sami Everett
Sami Everett is a Research Fellow in Asian and Middle East Studies at the University of Cambridge and the Max Planck Institute for the study of Religious & Ethnic Diversity.
Toujan Faisal
Toujan Faisal is a human rights activist and a former TV journalist, who was Jordan's first female member of parliament.
Laith Fakhri Al-Ajlouni
Laith Fakhri Al-Ajlouni is a researcher at the Jordan Strategy Forum.
Elham Fakhro
Elham Fakhro is Crisis Group’s senior analyst for Gulf States.
Richard Falk
Richard Falk, professor emeritus of international law and practice at Princeton University, is a visiting professor at the University of California-Santa Barbara.