For 50 years, MERIP has published critical analysis of Middle Eastern politics, history, and social justice not available in other publications. Our articles have debunked pernicious myths, exposed the human costs of war and conflict, and highlighted the suppression of basic human rights. After many years behind a paywall, our content is now open-access and free to anyone, anywhere in the world. Your donation ensures that MERIP can continue to remain an invaluable resource for everyone.

Delco Gives Campaign — From April 1-May 9, 2025, MERIP will be participating in Delco Gives, a fundraising competition sponsored by the Foundation for Delaware County. All non-recurring donations of more than $10 will be counted towards MERIP’s participation in Delco Gives, which will help MERIP access additional support through bonus pools and prizes. If you would like to make a Delco Gives donation via check, please mail them to the address below with “Delco Gives” in the memo line. 

30 Ardmore Ave. 
PO Box 390
Ardmore, PA 19003

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